Say What?

As a teacher in training I say what a lot. My favorite say what though, is when my students ask what and want to know more. I love the curiosity in their eyes when they can relate or want to know more about a character or a topic and they continue to expand that knowledge through reading! So join me and get those kiddos to SAY WHAT?

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I love this story and I was so excited when one of my professors Read it to our class. 4 Camilla goes through every sign and symptom of who-knows-what. Turns out she just need...
A Bad Case of Stripes - David Shannon
Amazing Grace is a sweet little girl who teaches children that you can do anything you set your mind to. Our students today need more of this. They need encouragement and upli...
Amazing Grace - Mary Hoffman, Caroline Binch
This story is actually one of my all-time favorites. It is the story of love and friendship and something that children can really relate to at a young age. Many students in t...
The Velveteen Rabbit - Margery Williams, William  Nicholson
This story is it fun read for students and teachers to talk about Adventure and new experiences. I would use this book in my classroom to have students first listen to and the...
Oh the Places You'll Go![OH THE PLACES YOULL GO D][Hardcover] - DrSeuss
I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them sam-i-am. What a classic phrase that most of us already know. This book is a great read for kindergarteners, 1st graders, 2...
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, this story is a fun read from the one and only dr. Seuss. I would use this in my classroom to help students learn about rhyming. Like mos...
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish/Oh, the Thinks You Can Think/Foot Book - Dr. Seuss
If you haven't heard of The Giving Tree that I don't know where you've been. This story is a classic tale of a tree who gives a boy everything she has. This story to me allows...
The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein
This story is newer to the market and I have found that it is a fun way to teach children that not only is it okay to be different , but sometimes it's even okay to be silly. ...
Froodle - Antoinette Portis
There's an alligator under my bed is such a fun read for children. As the story progresses and the little boy finds many ways to deal with his problem it teaches students to t...
There's an Alligator under My Bed - Mercer Mayer
What better book could you use to teach students that it's okay to make mistakes. I would use this text in a kindergarten or first-grade classroom. The book reminds readers se...
It's Okay to Make Mistakes - Todd Parr
The rainbow fish is a classic story of a beautiful fish who learns to share. I love the idea of using this book in the classroom to teach about not only sharing but that it's ...
The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister, J. Alison James
Gloria and Officer Buckle are a fun dynamic duo that students fall in love with. Together they travel around emperform safety speeches. Unbeknownst two Officer Buckle Gloria p...
Officer Buckle and Gloria - Peggy Rathman